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Pozitia presedintelui Basescu, cea din cadrul recentelor negocieri de la Bruxelles, cea legata de sumele ce vor putea fi alocate fiecarei tari intre 2014 si 2020, este execrabila. Pe de o parte cum sa nemultumeasca grupul celor care l-
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Si termin cu un sfat, stiind ca asta il agaseaza. Machiavel, Sun Tzu (sau Tze), Talleyrand, Metternich, mai tarziu Kissinger (Every statesman must attempt to reconcile what is considered just with what is considered possible. What is considered just depends on the domestic structure of his state; what is possible depends on its resources, geographic position and determination, and on the resources, determination and domestic structure of other states) sunt de citit si, tinand seama de realismul ce emana de pe-
Lucian Cornescu