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Monica Macovei si ultimul MCV
Acum multi ani, la inceputul anilor ’80, am inceput sa ma ocup de afacerile Printesei Aschraf Pahlavi, sora geamana a ultimului sah al Iranului. Unul dintre aspectele colaborarii privea Africa de Sud, cea care atunci practica apartheidul.
Pentru ca cunosc bine si epoca dar si zona, nu pot sa nu fac o comparatie intre modul rusinos al comportarii CEE fata de unii dintre membrii sai "a part entiere", vorbesc de noi, de Romania si comportamentul albilor fata de populatia homelandurilor de atunci. (Each "Homeland" was to be an independent state with self-
Raportul MCV primit ca pe o noua palma in fata unei intregi natiuni, vizibil "inspirat" de vocea de sirena (?) a doamnei Monica Macovei precum si a catorva altora, evident inspirati toti de Cotroceni, este penibil , rusinos.
El arata nu numai incapacitatea unora, a celor de tip Barroso sau Redding de a se informa, dar si totala lor lipsa de consideratie pentru peste 20 de milioane de romani. Romania este un homeland? Evident, pentru ca MCV-
Cu un presedinte devenit administrator de homeland, cu un prim ministru caruia cel putin pana acum ii este vizibil greu sa si tina pantaloni altundeva decat in vine, ce mai putem spera?
Politica este si arta negocierii! Negocierea presupune capacitatea de a gasi si utiliza punctele slabe ale… aliatilor de tip Barroso sau Redding. Asta astept eu de la Ponta. Iar daca nu este capabil…
Acum destul de multi ani, am candidat la presedintia Romaniei. Am creat si prezidat un partid politic, pe atunci, in prima legislatura, parlamentar. Stiu ca este mai comod sa pleci capul dar stiu si ca, in termeni de mandrie nationala, este dezgustator sa accepti , fie si punctual un astfel de MCV. Depasind faptul ca desconsiderat, orice guvern este obligat sa accepte, economic vorbind, ordinele unora.
Eu, dragii mei, asta nu mai vreau! Eu si multi, foarte multi altii dintre cei care, de curand, au votat USL, in speta pe Ponta. Si care, azi, ca si mine, cauta deja altceva. Pe altcineva, pe cineva capabil sa spuna un "NU" categoric. Atunci cand trebuie!
Many years ago, among others, using a full power of attorney, I have dealt with Pricess Aschraf Pahlavi’s businesses, she is the twin sister of Iran’s last Shah.
One of the collaboration aspects was regarding South Africa, where we could still speak about aparthaid at that time. Because I know quite well what happened back then, I can not help myself not to compare the present, the shameful attitude of the EC towards some of its members "a part entiere"-
The MCV report is shameful, it is an other slap on the face of the whole nation and it is obviously inspired by the siren voice of Ms. Macovei and some others, obviously themselves inspired by Cotroceni.This shows not only the inability of some people like Barroso or Redding to get informed, but also their total lack of consideration for over 20 milions Romanians.
Is Romania a homeland? Obviously, because through the MCV text are given compulsory instructions to a country that still has the impression it is independent (Constitution of Romania, art. 1) .With a president that became the administrator of a homeland, with a prime minister that always leans the head, what can we hope for? The politics looks very much like the art of negotiation. The negotiation means the ability to find and use the weaknesses of the… allies like Barroso or Redding.
This is what I am waiting for from Ponta. And if he is not able to do that…
Many years ago, I have been a candidate for the Romanian presidency. I have also created and lead a political parliamentary party. I know, it is more confortable to lean the head.But I also know that in terms of national pride, to accept such an MCV is disgusting.
The MCV shows our presence inside the UE, at least as a partner with equal rights. This does no longer exist. The MCV shows the contempt that some people show us. Romania, that little homeland at our side? That border state of the EU?
I do not want this anymore! Me and many others who recently voted for the USL and Ponta, today they are already looking for something else. For somebody else, able to say a definite NO, when he has to!
Lucian Cornescu